Friday, December 26, 2008

Finally I get to pretend I live in D.C.

I got Fallout 3 for Christmas from my parents. I probably once received Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 for Christmas from my parents as well, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I am going to bring my 360 machine back to Chicago so I can play this game and NBA 2k9. Burglars take note.
Thus far, I've played through the beginning youth section and made it out of the Vault. It isn't much of a game yet. The vault section is a "Half-Lite" version of the Cave of Trials, or perhaps more accurately the escape from prison in Oblivion, with a dash of Halo 1 space ship escape intro. The combat system seems really lacking thus far, but thus far my character has no skills, so we'll see. I hate having to shoot a dude ten or more times before that dude dies. In Oblivion, it was ridiculous, that's for sure, but at least there is a strong precedent in video games for having to swing a sword at an unarmed dude several times before he/it hits the ground. When you shoot something in a real time video game you don't expect it to absorb bullets like your shootin' dirt, unless it's got like eight heads and is 20 feet tall.

Anyway, we'll see. I think that I will post my review of Fallout 3 in sections as I play and then summarize it when I beat it. It'll be a joy to read. I'll work harder on the rest of the Fallout3 posts too. Ok, I gotta go eat some pie. Check ya later, imaginary readership.

How many times do you think a Bethesda staffer has sat around and noodled through the Morrowind Melody and felt really proud? I bet it happens at least once a day in the staff room during lunch break at Bethesda.

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